About Me

How I Got Started

My name is Mark, I have always loved animals from a very young age. I grew up with pets and believe they bring immense pleasure to any home. As a child, we had a dog, rabbits, guinea pig, goldfish, budgie, cockatiel and hamsters. I was very involved in walking, feeding and cleaning duties for all our pets.

Some of my Pets 

I had a border collie called Sherbie who sadly passed away aged 14½ in 2016. I also had several guinea pigs.

I have had several cats, all re-homed; a crested gecko, a bearded dragon,  2 Mississippi map turtles, a Cranwell’s horned frog, goldfish; a leopard gecko, a Royal python and corn snake!

I have completed a dog first aid course which covered full body examination, CPR, bleeding, poisoning, shock, choking and more.

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